Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah!

So Wednesday April 2 dawned beautiful and sunny. Look at that sky! With a lawn to clean up, flower beds to straighten out, pruning to be done; not to mention a veggie garden to get in, you'd think I spent all day outside working. Right? Until you see this.

Yep. I still had snow. Due to the lovely freeze on Monday night, my snow hung around for the better part of a week. I think the last of it disappeared this last weekend. Due to the rains. It's rained pretty much the whole last week. ;)
At least the weather doesn't mess with Tucker's plans.
I spent the day playing around with fiber and doing some chores. The cabin fever thing is starting to set in, but not as bad as it should be. I'm pretty content playing with sticks and strings and spinning up fiber. :) Probably because I know that I'll be toiling away in the yard soon enough.
On another note. I haven't been riding my motorcycle much due to the weather. Oh, and the fact that the hubster is still working on it some. He rides it pretty much any day that there's not ice and snow and keeps working the kinks out of it. It's becoming a household joke that he's really just looking for reasons to keep it to himself.;) Not that he doesn't have his own. lol I know that soon he'll work all the kinks out, and the weather will improve so it'll be more enjoyable for me to ride too.

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